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Graduation Ceremony


Supported through Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Consultation Call

We are excited to meet and discuss your jurisdiction's needs to support a sustainable trauma informed SJP! During this call we’ll explain how our services work and discuss next steps.  

Pre-Workshop Questionnaire

This questionnaire allows us to better understand each jurisdiction's progress and needs in the development of a sustainable SJP.

SJP Workshops

We begin with an in-person ground-breaking workshop to ignite community SJP awareness and buy-in. Next, we walk jurisdictions through our eight-step SJP Restorative Justice toolkit. We wrap with an inter-agency roles and responsibilities matrix to guide communities forward with next steps.  

For jurisdictions who already have an established SJP, the workshops will center around specific areas of need. Examples include sustainability, resource alignment, campaign awareness, decreasing racial disparity gaps, data and communications framework, System of Care Implementation/Alignment etc.

Communication & Data Framework

Our technical assistance supports the development and improvement of interagency data planning, collection, and reporting structure to measure and enhance SJP efficacy.

Increase Student Mental Health

We share our System of Care (SOC) framework to help support jurisdictions in the development of their own SOC, or alignment with existing SOC systems, to deliver equitable access to quality behavioral health services and support.

Sustainability Roadmap

We work alongside jurisdictions to complete a landscape analysis of marketing and resource strengths and needs. This allows us to build out a roadmap for the community to leverage in strengthening the sustainability of their SJP.

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